Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Corey

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

In Memory:

Irvin Harold Pflug
11-5-1914 11-30-2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Help wanted Please share

I have this photo of a place I would like identified .Any ideas anyone?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sister Post

This entry is for my sister who asked me when I was going to add a post to my blog.
This is that entry. I have been busy with my other blog fir prevention today so this blog has suffered
I have also been listeningto some older music from Les Baxter to Martin Denny some cool 50s 60s music

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A PreSchool Visit

Fire Prevention 2005

Well I have made it through another year of Fire Prevention I have spoken to over 2000 people this year ranging in age from 3-70. It has been a lot of fun. For those that were not aware October is National Fire Prevention Month and the week that October 9th falls on is Fire Prevention Week. It is an obsevence of the Chicago Fire of 1871.Use Candles with Care When you go out, blow out! was the theme for this years fire prevention month. In 2001 alone, candles started an estimated 18,000 home fires What’s more, young school-age children are the most likely to be hurt by the fires started by candles. The message we took to the children was the ABC’s of Candle Safety. A: Always have an adult with burning candles B: Blow out when you go out C: Candles aren’t for kids. This message was delivered by way of a presentation featuring text and photos of proper candle safety. Each child was given a pencil with the fire prevention theme imprinted on them to help the children share the candle safety tips with their parents. The teachers all received a pen and an candle safety brochure that focused on candle safety for adults.
During our visits to the preschools and daycare we were able to introduce the children with how the firefighter looks and the protective clothing they wear. Also covered was Stop Drop and Roll , Crawl Low in Smoke.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Ryan called to let me know shes gonna have a girl :-))

Monday, October 10, 2005

Karri Update

Karri had surgery today on a torn rotatorcuff that she tore a few weeks ago. the surgery went well but she is in some pain
The doc. say 12-16 wks in a sling and if goes well she should be near 100% recovery.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

New Flickr Badge

Check out the new pics in the Flickr Badge to the right :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Comments SPAM

Due to spamming of the comments and not having a members roster I have disabled the comments for now

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Saturday visit

Kenlyn Scotty and Corey came over for a visit before heading off to the State Fair here are a few pics
and if you cant tell Corey loves his toes

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Little Manhattan

Little Manhattan
This movie looks to be on of those a warm fuzzy, wrap up in a warm blanket "beautiful movies"

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Megan Pictures Kens Adaptations

My adaptations of Megans wonderful first picture of St.Johns

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Lightning Strike

Picture of a tree that was struck by lightning on friday

Saturday, July 16, 2005

couple of pics

me 2 weeks ago
Greg and I in 2000

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday, April 09, 2005


A trip to Walmart can I repeat can be entertaining..... I found this out this week when I HAD to stop and get a few things before coming home. I had gotten an IPOD for my birthday and had been expermenting with the shuffle and play list functions. SO as I went into Walmart I turned on the IPOD and selected shuffle and off I went.. The people and thier actions are quite fun with a soundtrack :-)))

Also of note is a booming ( I guess you would call it a thing ) PODCASTING where people record thier own shows, comments, rambling or news and publish thier PODCAST within a RSS feed so that you as a listener can subscribe to the show I have had a great time exploring the different podcasts out there.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Birthday Weekend and Such

Karri kidnapped me for the weekend and here is a list of the things she had planned for me
Click on them for more info a list is easier for me than telling you all about it
Holiday Inn River Front
Funny Bone Comedy Club
Dan Davidson
Diane Ford
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Duran Duran
Fat Fish & Blue
Bryan Lee Blues Man

Busy and great weekend
Also purchased a IPod

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Eyes Have it

Im busy all week taking NAFI classes at EKU (National Fire and Explosion Investegator Certification)

here is a nice pic of Corey

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Cory is so Cute

I went and visited with Scott Kenlyn and Cory and took some new pic see them @

You cant really see...but Cory has my chin but with a dimple so so cute

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Grandpa Kenny

yes as of 4am this fine feb. 22nd morn I became a grandpa to Corey Scott Barnett See the photos at

And yes Roger hosts the background of our blogs and he just replaced the old one wit hthe new one and left the file name the same :-))

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Ive been having fun using the MIT open courseware online to watch and try to learn some cool new things for me.
Check it out

Some of the courses have all the lwctures on video.....Just like your in tkhe class
I watched one called ODE ordinary differential equations lots of fun and very intresting :-)

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Catch Up

Been Sick.....Went to Doctor..........Got better
Attended Sierra Club Outings Leader Training

Pics of a demo hike During the hike it started to snow and temp fall
I loved it :-)))

Books Reading

1. State of Fear Michael Crichton
2.The Bookmans Promise John Dunning

Im finding it is sometimes dificult to find time to read.....

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I Remember

I remember the movie Roger it was "Electric Dreams" released in 1984. You and I went to a multi plex in Wisconcin during a visit. We paid to see one movie cant quite remember which on it was and then skipped over to watch Electric Dreams


Home again


Hi all back from Vegas and trying to get back into the groove of things
Im planning next years trip to CES if there is any takers January 5th - 8th
and Im planning on getting a hotel room for the trip this time. Ill be able to go to the show every day then
What I noticed most this year was that any thing that was small got smaller and any thing that was big got bigger
ie Secure Digital now has mini Secure Digital
last years worlds largest Plazma screen 76" This year 102"

Jeeze no telling where all this is going
I did enjoy the connected home where a home has a central server for all things entertainment :-)

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year

Happy New Year eveyone
I have had a good holiday season and am ready for
Karri and I to get away to Vegas this coming week
Whoo hoo
Karri will get to see her Aunt Uncle and Mom while I also will be
going to CES