This past week I have been busy with a Twitter Challenge put on by
Campus Firewatch. Where the person who tweeted the most Fire safety tips for college kids in a week would win a Prize. Well I really got into it constantly watching and reading Tweets. I met a few new friends in the Fire Safety realm an we all had a great time. Thursday night was the last night and I stayed up till the very end Tweeting all the Fire safety tips for college kids I cold think of. Last night they announced the winner. Here is the Tweet that went out
campusfirewatch Out of more than 1,850 tags, @DanvilleFire wins #tellastudent contest w/ 443 tags in 7 days. Congrats. The iPod Touch is yours!
dcra If anyone missed it, check out @DanvilleFire 's Fire Safety tips A to Z in his stream. Put him over the top. #FF Follow Friday
campusfirewatch In close battle between @momtoostressed and @tinafightsfire, @momtoostressed emerged victorious and gets the iPod nano. #tellastudent
campusfirewatch And finally, in third place is @TinaFightsFire who win a $15 iTunes gift card. Congrats and thank you for amazing #tellastudent tips.
campusfirewatch A big #FF to @JillatLiveSafe @usfire @nemofightsfire @NorthwestFire @CJamz @firemanrich @bacling @MUHealthSafety for #tellastudent support.
campusfirewatch A big #FF to @abcofire @smokies_R_great @dstacy9 @everyobodysafe @emilyrayne @governingpeople @hillrat for #tellastudent support.
campusfirewatch A big #ff to @safe012 @jackinchicago @Imnickarmstrong @dcra @forsociallrng @gfriese @ZWAT55 for #tellastudent support.
campusfirewatch Kudos on @KappaKappaGamma @switty23 @sharesigmachi @uigreeklife @memci @okeechobeeeoc @PkaPK @AYoungOne for #tellastudent support.
campusfirewatch Thank you to @camp247 @hellocountry @DePaulFacebook @NancyatWVU @davidkonig @elliotschoolgw @everydayemstips for #tellastudent support.
campusfirewatch Thank you to @LMFireInspector @pflug @rupertmike @hedda1978 for #tellastudent support.
So you can see that We all had a big impact across the country.